Missionary Files: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Missionary Files

Sister Dean and Sister Albrecht were missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They discuss their experiences and motivations for serving a mission. They discuss the importance of sharing their beliefs and helping others find happiness through Jesus Christ. They also share some funny and memorable moments from their Mission. After their Mission, Sister Dean plans to return to school and study microbiology, while Sister Albrecht plans to continue her education at BYU Hawaii. They both express their love for Jesus Christ and their gratitude for the opportunity to serve as missionaries.

5 May 2024, in Las Cruces, NM, Steven Zimmerman – I had the privilege, my wife and I, of meeting with Sister Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These two sisters have a great story, and I wanted to share that with all of you.

These Sisters and Elders do quite a bit to help those around them, all while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s not easy for them to leave home, travel to new parts of the world, and work to bring the light of Heavenly Father to all. In this interview, they speak of the Church, their work, and what a Mission is about. 

I am sharing this to put a human face on those who knock on your door. I understand that many do not want to be disturbed or even preached to, but that’s not what these Sisters and Elders are doing. They are there, sharing the love of Heavenly Father and their love by serving a Mission.

Sisters Dean and Albrecht were two Sister Missionaries from whom we were taking lessons. They are two of the most wholesome people I’ve ever known, and I wanted to get their story while they were on their Mission.

“A mission in the church is a period of time for girls,” says Sister Dean. “it’s usually a year and a half. And for guys, it’s two years where we devote our time to serving other people, to talking about Jesus Christ.”

For over two years, these fantastic Sisters and Elders have given their time to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invite others into the restored Church. But why would anyone give up two years for Missionary service?

“Why I decided to serve a mission,” says Sister Dean. “So ever since I was little, I was born into the Church, and I was raised in this, and I saw missionaries. I thought they were really cool. I don’t know why, but I always wanted to serve a mission. I knew it was a good thing, but then, I dunno, I kind of got off the path a little bit when I was a little older, and I lost focus of that goal.”

Sister Dean made terrific friends when she attended BYU Hawaii, and they encouraged her to go on a Mission.

“When I was on my Mission,” says Elder Williams, “the one person I had the greatest impact on was myself. The Mission, through the love of Heavenly Father, was enough to prepare me to be a better version of myself.”

Elder Williams, another Missionary I know, was in the same position as Sister Dean, a little out of control but still desiring the love of Heavenly Father. 

Sister Dean later attended a musical fireside at the LA Temple, where she saw two Sister Missionaries. 

“There were two sister missionaries there, and I watched this one from across the room. She looked really happy, and I just felt the strongest feeling,” says Sister Dean. I know it was the spirit telling me that if I served a mission, I would be happy. I could find happiness on a mission.” 

Sister Albrecht’s decision began like Sister Dean’s, watching roommates and friends fill out the Mission applications and paperwork. Sister Albrecht, however, had one other obstacle to overcome.

“I realized that if I wanted to serve the Mission and teach these people about Jesus Christ, I had to even know who He was,” says Sister Albrecht. I had to know; I couldn’t be a hypocrite and tell them all these things that they had to do unless I knew it for myself.” 

Sister Albrecht prayed often, went to Sacrament meetings, read her scriptures, and spoke to her sister, who had already served a Mission.

“I was looking at the end of my life, my end goal, and how I wanted to be a mother, a stay-at-home mom, and to have lots of kids,” says Sister Albrecht, “and I realized that if I wanted to teach my kids about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, teach them that God loves them and that they need to go to Church and they can find hope in Christ, I had to develop that for myself first. And that was a big motivator for me for going on a mission so I could have that testimony. But since being out, I’ve realized that I guess my reason of serving has changed.” 

And that reason?

“Once I understood that Jesus Christ is there for me, that He’s real, that He lives, once I understood that Heavenly Father not only loves me but loves me and everyone else, and once you start to understand those things and how much happiness comes with having a testimony of that, then it’s almost natural to want to give that to other people,” says Sister Albrecht.

Meeting with the missionaries is to know the love of Heavenly Father, the love of Jesus Christ, and return to His restored Church. This is the point of the Mission. The other side of that coin is that the Missionaries are also creating better versions of themselves and gaining a powerful testimony. 

Like many other members of the Church, I have a deep and personal testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us endlessly and desires our return to Him. I know that Jesus Christ, our elder brother, perfected the plan of salvation so that we may return to Heavenly Father.

Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet. I know that Jesus Christ’s Church on earth was restored by Joseph Smith and is known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Russell M. Nelson is the current prophet, called by Heavenly Father, leading Christ’s Church today.

If you would like to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I encourage you to click the link below.

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